Sunday, June 28, 2009

Chapter 7 Part 7

"Hi?" Calista tried to be angry with him, but her efforts were in vain. "You sleep for half a year and all you can say is 'hi'?"

Sam swallowed and tried to sit up he failed miserably "You’re suffering from hibernation dysfunction," Avery told him as he helped the youth upright. "Your muscles are weak from lack of use. It may take some time before you’re back to normal."

"I am hungry," Sam said. "Real hungry," he added for emphasis.

"We will get you something to eat directly," Nikki said and she began to prepare a bowl of stew.

Calista wrapped her arms about Sam and helped him to the table. With her help, Nikki proceeded to feed him.

Avery joined Armegon and Ultrecht where they were cleaning up after the spell casting. Ruk stood patiently to one side in the shadows. Armegon had suggested that he not be visible when Sam came to as the boy had never seen him before.

"Okay," Armegon said. "Now that we have that problem solved, we still have to deal with the possibility that we may soon be attacked by Blackpuss and his brood."

"I think we should send the others to Tycho with Ruk," Avery agreed. "They’ll be safe there. I don't think Blackheart would attack a major city."

"Wait," Ruk interrupted. "I’m bound to your service," he said to Armegon. "I should go with you."

"You’re bound to your life-quest," Armegon reminded him. "And, in case you haven't noticed, that quest has been fulfilled."

Ruk nodded as he glanced at the youth being fed by the fireplace. The realization that his life-quest really was complete was dawning on him. "According to tradition, I must now return to my wives and settle down to enjoy the fruits of my labors."

"You’ve done very well," Armegon commented. "You have every right to depart and reap the fruits of your labors. We won’t think ill of you if you go nor will we ask you to stay. In the end, it’s your choice. You have no further obligation to any of us."

"As wise as you are, Armegon," Ruk replied. "You’ve failed to see that I do have one more obligation."

"Oh?" Armegon was intrigued. "And what’s that?"

"My friends need me," Ruk answered. "That obliges me to help them if I can."

"Ruk," Avery interrupted. "You’ve seen a little of the kind of power Ultrecht and Armegon are capable of. When they go into battle, a warrior who can’t defend himself with magic could easily be vaporized regardless of how tough or strong he is. You can’t wield magic. Or at least if you can, you’ve kept it a very good secret, and I can't believe that you can on the level of these two hot heads."

"Watch your mouth, yellow eyes," Armegon snapped, but Avery ignored him.

"We’d be honored to have you with us when we make our stand against the Blackhearts and their gods, but we’d feel better if you were somewhere safe."

"I am a minotaan warrior," Ruk objected. It was clear that he too did not want to be in the attack by the gods, but his pride and friendship had forced his decision. "I’ll stand by my comrades."

It was Nikki who finally resolved the problem in true womanly fashion. "If it is all the same to you," she told the quartet of males, "I would feel much better if one of you four would go with me and Calista. I fear that in order to gain an advantage on you, Lord Blackheart's minions may attack us as we flee."

"She's right," Ultrecht admitted. "Tyson knows that the key to stopping us is to hold hostage those we hold dear."

Avery nodded and gazed up at the towering figure. Ruk was almost twice his height. "Ruk, I can't think of anyone on this world I would trust with Nikki's safety more than I trust you. You have proven yourself to be a loyal comrade and an excellent warrior. Will you do us this favor? Will you protect our families?"

Armegon also had a request. "Ruk, would you watch over Sam and Calista for me? I’ve raised Sam since his birth and he’s very dear to me. And I’ve gotten quite fond of Calista as well. I don't think there is anyone on this planet I would trust more to care for them than you."

Ultrecht cleared his throat quietly. "I don't have any family but you will be protecting my close friends. And I would also be obliged if you would look in on my business dealings while I am away. I would like the opinion of a professional sailor when we get back....if we get back."

Ruk stared at the many faces that were awaiting his answer. He knew that it was a ploy to keep him from joining in on the fight, but he also knew that to be present when the gods attacked the trio, could very well mean certain death. And yet the task they asked of him was one given only to the most trusted of friends.

"I accept your charge," he told them.

"Done," Avery clapped his hands. "If you’ll come with me, I’ll help you pack some stores. It’s not far to Tycho, and we have friends there. Nikki will know them. We want you to leave today, and we’ll head south tonight."

"Will the boy be well enough to travel?" Ruk asked as he followed Avery back outside.

"Certainly," Avery assured him. "He may be half starved, but he’s strong."

"He won't catch an illness, will he?" Ruk asked as Avery led them across the clearing to the storage shed next to the small shack.

"No problem," Avery assured him. "The only person he’s likely to get very close to in the near future is Calista, and I just checked her out thoroughly this morning. They are both healthy. In fact, I even fixed a problem for Sam that he didn’t even know he had."

"What was that?" Ruk asked, but the question was cut off as Avery grunted loudly as he lifted four huge full packs. He passed them to Ruk.

Avery lifted the flap of one pack and displayed its contents. A massive quantity of ground leaflets filled the pack. "This is pipeweed," Avery told him. "It has a medicinal value and should raise a fair amount of capital when you get to town. That should put you up at an inn for several months."

Ruk nodded and effortlessly slung the packs across his back. "There’s a dwarf in Tycho named Regalus," Avery continued, "or at least he owns a tavern there. He’s something of a business associate with Armegon. Do business with him and he may even find you some temporary employment."

Avery shouldered a pair of lighter packs. "These are pre-packed for a long emergency voyage," Avery told him. "Nikki and I kept the provisions well preserved for just such an occasion." He left the supply shed with Ruk on his heels.

"Calista knows the way to Tycho," Avery said as he stacked the packs by the cabin door. "Try to get there as fast as possible."

Ruk nodded. "Don’t worry about your mate," he said. "I’ll protect them all."

Avery nodded. "Sorry," he apologized. "I didn't mean to over do it with the instructions. It’s just that, well Nikki is acting strange, or maybe it’s that she has changed."

"Don’t worry about it," Ruk advised. "Women go through many moods. Imagine how I feel with four wives."

Avery laughed. "Point taken."

Calista sat by Nikki as the druid woman mixed an herbal tea that would help Sam recover. Ultrecht and Armegon were engrossed with the Tome of Creation, Sam was asleep in the back room, and Ruk and Avery had run off somewhere.

"I saw your rose this morning," Calista told Nikki. "It’s getting fairly large as are you."
Nikki smiled and lifted the loose robe slightly to show Calista the unmistakable signs.

"Does Avery know?" Calista asked excitedly.

"No," Nikki replied. "Men can be so dense." She tasted her brew critically. She added a pinch of ground pepper. "The imbecile even asked me if I was putting on weight, but he could not see the forest for the trees."

"If they’re gone long enough," Calista smiled, "he’s going to be in for a big surprise." She and Nikki shared a quick laugh and Calista headed towards the back room. "I’m going to check on Sam," she told the elf woman. "I think I might take a little nap while I’m at it."

Nikki smiled back. "Do not wear him out," she advised. "He is still very weak, but I am sure that he has enough strength for a little sweetness."

Calista entered the back room and Nikki turned back to her cooking. Armegon and Ultrecht were oblivious to the world around them. Well, she thought to herself, with so much going on, it was no wonder that Avery had not noticed her pregnancy. It was not as if she had gone out of the way to expose it. Quite the contrary; she had taken measures to make it undetectable. In her deepest heart, she really did want to surprise her mate.

Ruk and Avery had finished preparing the cabin for abandonment. Everything was put away and the doors to the storage areas were locked.

"What about her," Ruk asked as he gestured to the imprisoned Doyr priestess. She stood in her small glowing nimbus of light talking to what appeared to be empty air. Avery knew that it was not, though, because the spell was providing her with an illusionary surrounding to preserve her sanity.

"No problem," Avery said. "That’s one of Ultrecht's spells. I’ve seen it before. There should be a glove or something."

"There is a glove," Ruk admitted.

"Take it with you. That is what the prison is anchored to," Avery explained. "She will follow without even realizing it. Just keep putting food in there for her every day and she’ll be fine."

"How long are we going to keep her?" Ruk asked.

"Until this business with the gods is over," Avery answered. "Her people worshiped demons. Fighting gods is bad enough without having to mess with a horde of demons to boot. So we can't let her go just so that she can go and rat on us."

"I don't quite understand all of that," Ruk admitted, "but I get the point."

"Ruk," Avery said as he gripped the minotaan's shoulder firmly. "When all this is over, I think I’d like to see this land of yours."

"Then I shall be happy to take you there," Ruk agreed.

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