Sunday, June 28, 2009

Chapter 7 Part 6

Ruk was the first to spy their appearance. Without a word, he rushed over to relieve Avery of the young body that he had been carrying. Nikki leaned against her mate heavily. The spell had drained her strength. Avery took her in his arms and carried her back to the cabin with Ruk on his heels.

"So this is the young man I was sent to help free. This is Calista's mate?" he asked.

"That’s Sam," Avery answered.

"And that is the holder of your own heart's key?" Ruk asked as he examined Nikki.

"It is, my friend."

Just as they reached the door the minotaan leaned closely. "You chose wisely." Avery grinned in response. As he remembered it, it had been as if he had had no choice at all.

Avery opened the door and carried Nikki inside. Ducking, Ruk followed close behind. Instantly Armegon, Ultrecht and Calista met them. Calista practically dragged Sam from Ruk's arms as he quickly lay the body on the floor before the fireplace. Calista placed the unconscious head in her lap and quietly stroked its face murmuring in soft whispers all the while.

Avery carried Nikki to her room after assuring Armegon that her condition was nothing more than exhaustion. "She’s been locked in a prison for a long time and suddenly had to spin a powerful spell off the top of her pretty head," he said when he returned. "It was a little too much for her. I put her to bed."

"So fill us in," Armegon said. "What have you been up to?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Calista asked, her eyes filled with gratitude when she looked at the ranger. "He went to Aspberg."

"I get the feeling that they did not just let you walk in and release Nikki from the dungeon," Ultrecht interrupted.

On the contrary," Avery replied. "They did allow me to just walk in."

"You mean they didn’t know you were there," Armegon added.

"Enough!" Calista screamed hysterically. "We have what we went for, and now we have Sam back. Who cares how it was done? Do your magic and free him this very minute!"

Ultrecht put a hand on the girl's shoulder. "Well said," he admitted. "We shall begin to put the spell together, but be patient, my girl. This may take all night."

"Right," Armegon agreed. "Let Ultrecht work on his spell. You can help us finish packing."

"Packing?" Avery asked. "Where’re we going?"

Armegon told the story of how Woeden had appeared to him and offered his help in Avery and Nikki's escape in exchange for mercy should they ever be in a position to destroy the present gods.

"Apparently this Woeden, according to Calista, is a god of sages and visionaries and prophets. He claims that the future holds one of two possibilities. We’ll be in direct conflict with the majority of the gods and we’ll either lose or win. If we lose, then the gods of good lose as well. If we win then all of the gods who refuse to denounce their godhood will lose. As Woeden sees it, he and his partners are in a no win situation. Their only hope is our mercy."

Avery sat in stunned silence. "That’s exactly how Ultrecht received the news," Armegon observed the ranger.

The ranger shook his head slowly. "I knew that sooner or later we would cross paths with these self proclaimed gods, but I had no idea that it would be of such magnitude."

"I certainly understand your wonder, friend Avery," Ruk offered. "I still find it hard to believe that I’m so closely involved with people who will fight not one god, but all of them."

"I just want Sam back," Calista muttered as she gave Ultrecht a stern glare. It was obvious that the mage was being ordered to prepare his magic. The man stood and retrieved his supplies and began sorting through the bag's contents.

"Woeden offered us his help in return for our mercy should we gain such a position," Armegon repeated.

"So that’s where the griffins came from," Avery stated and he described how the griffins had stated that a friend had sent them.

"We seem to have anonymous allies," Armegon observed. "In any event, he also warned that we were going to be attacked. He suggested that we move to a place where we could easily defend ourselves."

"Where did you have in mind?" Avery asked.

"Gly-ou-vogue," Armegon answered. "At least there we’ll have a psychological advantage. I whipped Blackpuss and Quickdraw there once before."

"So that’s why you’re packing?"

Ruk tossed Avery an empty pack. "We knew you’d return, my friend. But I had only vague ideas as to what you might want to take with you."

Avery took the pack and sat next to the fire, near Calista. She reached out and held his hand for a moment before turning her attention back to Sam.

"So tell us about your adventure," Armegon asked.

Avery spent about two hours explaining how he had set the false trail leading away from the Doyr stronghold and then turned south. He described the spell he had used to travel to Aspberg, and his entrance to the city and finally into the citadel itself.

He wearily recounted how he had wondered about the citadel and had finally discovered Nikki and Sam. Then he told about his diversion in the library. "That reminds me," Avery said as he took the bundle he had carried slung from his belt. "I have a present for you two," he nodded to Armegon and Ultrecht. Avery unwrapped the Tome of Creation. "It seems that this is the book that was responsible for our arrival here in the first place. This is the Tome of Creation."

Ultrecht drooled and Armegon grabbed the book greedily from the ranger's hand. "We can start deciphering it tonight," Ultrecht said excitedly as he wrung his hands furiously.

"Oh, no you don't," Calista proclaimed and she snatched the book from Armegon. "You two have some magic to do first. Then you can play with this book."

Avery laughed as did Ruk at the sight. Then Avery yawned and proclaimed that he was very tired. He announced that he was going to catch some sleep, and he got up and went into the back room.

Ultrecht pouted as he stared at Calista, who stood defiantly holding the book. Armegon licked his lips and Ruk laughed at the whole scene again.

"The faster you get this woman's mate back to life," the minotaan reminded the mages, "the faster you’ll be free to do what you want."

That night, Calista slept curled up next to the fire place. She held Sam in her arms throughout the long hours. Occasionally noise and conversation between Ultrecht and Armegon would disturb her sleep. When she woke the next morning, she had been covered by a blanket and Sam was missing.

Shock and fear welled up inside her as the horror of losing him again tugged at the corners of her mind, but when she sat up she spied the young male body laying on a nearby cot. Ultrecht was there hovering over the body and making some intricate marks on the boy's forehead with a charcoal marker.

"We’re almost ready," Armegon said as he entered the cabin. He was carrying a flask. "I have the wine here and as soon as Calista is ready we can begin."

"I’m ready now," Calista assured them. She jumped to her feet and padded over to her mate's side.

"No you aren't," Nikki interrupted. The elf woman was on the far side of the central fireplace. "You need to be prepared for you are going to have to do."

Calista was confused. "What am I going to have to do?"

Armegon explained. "The spell we are going to cast really only does one thing," he said. "It allows us to open the way for Sam to return. In order for him to come back, he has to want to come back. You’re going to have to lure him back into his body."

"How?" she asked.

"Well, um, you can try to... , um, well." Armegon fumbled with the words for a few seconds before Nikki bailed him out.

"Dear, you are going to have to create a strong desire in him. It will have to be strong enough to tear him away from what he thinks is his mother. There are few things that strong. You are going to have to love him, tease him, arouse him, and play all those dirty little tricks that all girls learn about."

"Aha!" Armegon proclaimed. "A confession. I knew that you women had a conspiracy going on."

"Oh, dry up Armegon," Nikki waved the mage off. She turned back to Calista. "Go out to the shack. Avery is there packing some herbs. We want you to be ready physically and mentally for what you must do. For a short time, you and Sam will be as one person and if you are ill, you could kill him. And your mind must be prepared so that you too don't get trapped. Let Avery look you over and then come back here and we can get started."

Calista did not completely understand, but she immediately slipped on her boots and left. As she made her way around the cabin, she paused to note the small flower that Nikki had planted just before their journey had begun. It was well grown and a pod had begun to form. It would not be long before it would bloom. She smiled to herself. Nikki's choice of apparel well hid her condition. She wondered if Avery knew. Calista walked across the compound and knocked on the shack door. Without waiting for an answer, she entered.

Avery was sitting near a hole in the floor where a collection of leaves, roots, berries and bark were kept fresh. When she entered, he looked up and smiled.

"I’m supposed to get checked out," she told him.

Avery stood and brushed his hands on his trousers. They appeared to be the same ones he had worn since the first time they had met, but she knew that it was not so. He had many such pairs.

Avery placed his hands upon her head gently and his eyes, which never seemed in focus to begin with, grew even more vacant.

Slowly his hands crept down to her face. The touch was very soft and pleasing. Then he caressed her neck.

"For pity's sake," he told her. "Calm down. Your heart’s racing."

She tried to calm down by focusing on pleasant memories. She thought of her father, and how he would spend hours every day working a loom. She remembered when she was a child how she would sit in the shop playing with bits of brightly colored yarn. She remembered the night when she and Sam first met and how they had...

"Cal," Avery said suddenly. "How many times must I tell you not to think private thoughts at times like this?"

"Sorry," she apologized sheepishly. Then she asked a question to get her mind off the subject. "Why can't I read your mind during this?"

"Because I keep my thoughts to myself and concentrate on magic," Avery told her. "Would you like to know one of my memories?"

Calista thought about that. "Not now," she said. "But can I take a rain-check on that?"

Avery laughed and stepped back. "What’s a rain-check?" he asked.

"Well it is a ..." Calista was at a loss of words. She knew what the phrase meant, but she did not know how she knew nor could she find words or analogy to describe it.

"You see?" Avery said. "You absorbed a little bit already. And you also found out why we try to hold that kind of sharing of thoughts to a minimum. Scary isn't it?"

"Yes, it is."

"There’s a time when it can be very wonderful," Avery confided. "When Nikki and I are together at night, sometimes I join our minds and we share our memories as well as our feelings. It can be very beautiful."

"I wish Sam and I could do that," Calista murmured as Avery inspected the long healed injury to her leg she had received from the trap a while back.

"Okay, you are as good as new," Avery announced. "We had to make sure that you were not infected or anything, because Sam’s very weak from malnutrition. An infection in his state could kill him. And I won't always be there to help him while he recovers. We also had to make sure that you weren’t susceptible to being caught up in the trap along with him."

"Where are you going?" She had heard them mention making a trip.

"Armegon, Ultrecht and myself are going south while Ruk and Nikki and you are taking Sam to Tycho until he recovers."

"Oh." she did not repeat the warning the god had given them. The three from another world were in for rough times while she and Sam would be safe. Though she loved her new family, she dearly looked forward to a few weeks with Sam.

Avery tossed Calista's clothes back to her. "Wash up and help them bring your man back," he urged her. "You need him as much as he needs you"

Calista did as she was told and after the ranger left, with the aid of soap leaves and the spring that flowed from a rock crevice that formed one side of the shack wall, she was soon bathed and back at the cabin.

When she entered, Ultrecht sat with his legs folded in his lap holding his arms out to either side of him. Above his head Sam's body floated in mid air. Armegon was preparing a mixture of some liquids, and Avery was performing a physical inspection just as he had done for her.

Nikki took Calista by the arm and led her over to where she and Ruk sat next to the fire. "Soon," she said, "Ultrecht will create a mind link between you and Sam from the blood of the unicorn. When he does, It will be your task to lure Sam back to you and away from his mother's image. Just give him your love, and if he loves you too, he will come back." She leaned closely and whispered. "They always do."

Avery joined them. "Don't be bashful," he urged. "Use whatever you have to. Speak of memories, sex, arguments, anything you think might break his attention on the simulacrum."

"It’s time," Armegon announced. "Cal, come here." Calista obeyed and Armegon stood her at Sam's head. He placed her small hands on the young man's temples. "Ultrecht has opened the doorway," Armegon said. "He can hold it open for a short while, but it’s very strenuous."

Armegon took a small quill and dipped it in a potion with a reddish tint. He drew some runes on Sam's forehead and then applied another set of runes on Calista's hands. Then he spread a generous dram of the liquid on the young man's lips. Automatically, the mindless body sensed food and the lips parted slightly to allow the liquid inside.

"Take a sip of this," Armegon pressed the cup to the girl's own lips. Calista hesitated for less than a second as the sour smelling concoction curdled her stomach. Then she steeled herself and sipped at the foul elixir. Instantly her mind began to spin and her vision fogged out. She could hear Armegon's voice distantly telling her to seek a passage, a corridor or a staircase.

Calista floated along deserted street between buildings with no doors or windows. The ground was featureless and even when she examined it, it showed no variance. Ahead of her were two people standing in the middle of the street.

She noted a rope at her feet and reached down to pick it up. The rope, she discovered ran down the street towards the people. She began, though she knew not why, to draw the rope in. As she did so, the people drew nearer.
The rope was tied around the waste of one of the two, and when she tugged on it, the one turned to face her. It was Sam.

"Calista, my sweet. Come and meet my mother."

Calista examined the other person. It was nothing more than a bundle of rags made into a statue of a woman. Calista pulled on the rope and jerked Sam a step towards her.

"Hey!" he cried indignantly. "What are you trying to do?" Belligerently he jerked back.

"Come and meet my mother," he urged.

"Sam," Calista called to him. "It’s a trap. She’s not really there. Come back to me."

Sam stared at Calista hard. "There is no reason to be jealous," he said. "I still love you, but I want to spend a little time with my mother."

Calista walked closer to Sam. She reached out and took his arm and spun him about.

"That’s not your mother. Its a lie that Tyson spelled upon you to trap you here. Whole months have passed since you have been here. I have traveled far with Armegon and Ultrecht to reach you. I can't go on any further. Please come home with me."

Sam stared at her long and hard. He had only been there moments and there was so much he wanted to ask of his mother. Could Calista not understand that? "You had a mother," he said, "even if only a little while. The least you can do is give me the chance to have one."

The words stung at Calista. The grief of her own mother's death washed over her anew, but the need in her heart purged it from her quickly. "Sam," she reached out and held his hand. There were tears in her eyes. It was the moment of truth. "You have to make a choice. It’s either your mother or me."

Sam shook her hand from his. How could she be so cruel. "Do not force a decision like that on me," he begged.

Calista buried her face in her hands. "I don't have a choice," she cried. "I’m so sorry." She stepped backwards a few steps. She was afraid to look, afraid that he was not with her. "I love you, Sam. I want your children and I want your love."

Sam turned back to his mother. Marlena's image smiled lovingly down at him. The gray eyes sparkled. "Mother," he said. "I love her, but I want to spend some time with you too."
The image made no reply. Sam stepped back. Would his real mother be insensitive to his feelings? Looking over his shoulder he saw Calista drifting off into a fog. Faintly he heard her final words: "I’ll never forget you, my love."

Without realizing it, Sam took a pair of steps towards the fog bank that was swallowing Calista. "Calista, please stay," he pleaded. He ran after her another two steps then glanced over his shoulder at his mother. The figure had not changed. In a flash, Sam realized that Calista had been right. Desperately, he dashed madly into the fog.

There was no sense of direction, and Sam was turned around and around until he could no longer tell which way to go nor which way he had come. The fog was all around him and Sam's sense of self was fading as well, when suddenly he was jolted as if a pair of giant hands had seized him roughly.

Calista broke out of the spell. She staggered back into Armegon's outstretched arms. Slumping, she sobbed soundly. "I couldn't do it," she cried. "He wouldn't come back."

"At least you tried," Nikki said as she took the young woman in hand. She sat the girl at the fireplace and wiped her face with a warm moist cloth. "No one will ever fault you for not trying."

"Don't you understand?" Calista was crushed. "He’s gone. He may as well be dead."
Nikki let the young woman weep upon her shoulder. Ultrecht still held Sam's body suspended while Avery stood by with a hand on the young man's chest. The ranger was in a healing trance, attempting to help Calista as much as possible. When she had entered Sam's prison, It was Avery who had kept her from being trapped as well.

Without warning, Avery suddenly stiffened and his free hand flew to Sam's forehead. The ranger bent in deep concentration. Nikki did not understand her mate's healing power, but she did know enough to recognize that he was deeply involved.

She nudged Calista and pointed to the scene. "He has a hold of your mate," she told the girl. "Run back and help him."

Calista rushed back to Sam and Armegon helped her reenter the trance. Within moments, Avery disengaged and Calista began smiling as tears of joy fell across her face. Sam's eyes opened and he smiled back.

"Hi," Sam said to the young woman.

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