Thursday, June 11, 2009

Chapter 6 Part 7

Morteous opened a small wooden case. Inside a pair of amulets lay snugly in the velvet lining. Tyson and Miguel gazed in wonder at the items Morteous had spent the last week working on in his laboratory.

"These are specially charmed devices," he said. I have created them to do one thing, and that is for them to turn aside the elemental magic the mage Ultrecht wields so skilfully. The wearer of one of these need be wary of normal wizardry and sorcery only."

"Will it protect against Armegon?" Tyson asked.

"Not completely. Armegon's magic too is very strange and unique among us, but it is also unlike Ultrecht's in that there is no outside energy to erect wards from." Morteous took the first amulet from the case and passed it to Tyson. "I suggest that you keep it on at all times," he recommended. "We already know that Ultrecht is out to get you for what you did to that woman." Morteous recalled how Tyson had informed him of his actions. Morteous had not been pleased at the slaying of a warlock, but the deed had been done and there was nothing that could be done about it.

"Well at least we have reduced the threat of your comrades by one third," Miguel said to Tyson.

"I wonder if that’ll be enough," Tyson questioned. "Armegon in a rage is like a cyclone at an outdoor carnival.

"I have a plan for Armegon," Morteous assured them. "All I have to do is lure him within my reach. There will be no escape the next time. And there is no question that I will win."
Tyson stared blankly at Morteous. A shadow seemed to cover the warlock's form for a moment then it was gone. Tyson wondered what Morteous had planed that was so powerful.

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