Thursday, June 11, 2009

Chapter 6 Part 1


Nikki whimpered helplessly. She lay bound on a cold stone slab like some laboratory specimen. Morteous and Miguel hovered over her with identical looks of triumph pasted across their faces. Miguel had taken great pleasure in disrobing her with a wickedly carved knife. And yet considering the youngest of the Blackheart Clan's reputation, her nakedness was not so disheartening to her as was the helplessness.

While Miguel looked on with interest and even a small twinge of desire, Morteous Blackheart worked to locate the primordial mind within the patient's womb. The effort was beginning to show for as Morteous had warned, the unborn child had no sense of self and neither had it encountered any experiences separate of it's mother on which Morteous could use to differentiate the empathic link between mother and child.

Finally Morteous withdrew from the spell and announced his failure. "It is still too early to separate the two of them." He stroked his goatee. "I have another idea," he announced. "Instead of trying to touch the child's mind, I want you to divine the child's gender. Search for any masculinity."

Miguel bowed slightly. "It will be done. Though it may take some time. Although she’s far enough into her term that it’s visibly obvious that she’s pregnant, she’s still far from full term. Any masculinity, if present at all, will not be easy to detect."

Morteous nodded. "Do the best you can."

Tyson entered the laboratory. Nikki had been held captive for almost two months and several attempts to determine the child's sex had failed. Each time Morteous would attempt to touch the unborn mind, Nikki would block him. Even when she was rendered unconscious, their efforts were thwarted as the tiny mind within would also be unconscious. Several attempts to sage the future of the child's sex were blocked because the god of vision, Woeden was an adversary of House Blackheart.

"My lord," Tyson addressed Morteous Blackheart as Miguel prepared for his task. "Should the child prove male, what are your plans?"

Morteous stepped away from the table. Nikki was still awake and lucid and should she hear their plans they could be balked. A loose tongue to start a rumor and their delicate agenda would collapse and the Dukes of Hell would abandon House Blackheart.

Leading Tyson through the heavy curtains into an outer room that doubled as a small library of laboratory manuals and notes, Morteous' face was grim. "We like your plan but we are also considering a variation. We may decide to swap the druid's babe for the one the priestess is carrying. If the child is male, we have worked a deal with the goddess of motherhood to swap the infants before birth. "

"The goddess is neutral" the warlock explained, "and will not take sides in our struggle, but she has agreed to do this if we cease the daughter and mother sacrifice ritual for ten years." Morteous smiled slightly. "We will of course keep our part of the bargain, but the hard part will to keep Miguel faithful to that she devil he is so fond of."

"I don't see Miguel as the faithful type," Tyson agreed.

"He will be this time," Morteous replied. "His father, his grandfather and his uncle will all see to it."

"So we gain the male Blackheart child, and the Doyr get a changeling." Tyson frowned. "They’ll know something is wrong when the child is born, though."

Morteous nodded. "It occurred to me. The child in that room," he indicated the lab with a nod, "is at least half elven. If the father is also a halfelf, the child will be three quarters so; legally an elf. It will be painfully obvious and they know they will have been had."

"Should they be able to trace the tampering, it could mean war as well as bringing the possession of the throne into jeopardy."

Morteous agreed. "That is true, but Ragnera has assured me that the deed will be untraceable by any except Woeden, and the god of vision likes the Doyr no better than us.

"Will that god try to start a war between us?" Tyson asked.

"Possibly, but he will not get the chance. By that time things will be different." Morteous knew that Ragnera had plans to eliminate the god of vision, but he could not speak so outside the security of Ragnera's inner sanctum. Woeden could easily catch wind of the plan should it be spoken aloud.

"There is another possibility," Morteous continued. "We may consider arranging an accident to destroy the changeling and its mother before birth."

"I have an even better suggestion," Tyson smiled. "Undoubtedly Armegon and the others will soon return and discover what we did. If we frame the Doyr, they can be your accident."

Morteous looked sidelong at Tyson with a grin. "Are there any Blackhearts in that world you come from? If I didn't know better, I would swear you have the Godking's blood in you."

Tyson accepted the compliment. "It still depends on whether the child is male or female."

"Male," Miguel replied proudly as he emerged from the lab. It was apparent he had heard the last statement. "I’m fairly certain of it."

"How did you find out?" Morteous and Tyson asked simultaneously.

"I used a method similar to that of the Doyr priestess," he answered. "Instead of trying to determine the sex of the child I measured the level of femininity in the mother. It is slightly lower than normal. That’s characteristic of a woman carrying a male child."

Morteous accepted the validity of Miguel's explanation. Then he set their plan in motion. "Tomorrow we will make the proper sacrifices and seal the arrangement with Ragnera and Doasha, the goddess of motherhood."

Nikki stared at the rafters high overhead. Miguel had gotten whatever they were after. For some reason they wanted to know her child's gender. She did not understand why, but she had resolved to hinder their efforts. In the end, they had finally succeeded

Nikki felt the tears rising to blur her vision. She felt so violated that Miguel had touched her inner soul. The youngest Blackheart's touch was so cold and lifeless. He was the antithesis of the flaming spirit of her mate. "Avery" she whispered trying to focus on the image of his face in her mind. It was her private refuge from the captivity.

"He won’t be able to help you," Tyson assured her. Because of Nikki's position and bonds, she could not observe the room's entrance, so she really did not know who all occupied the room unless they entered her vision.

Tyson approached with a guard at his side. Together they began to loosen her straps. "You should be happy," he advised her. "There won’t be any more sessions like this."

"What, Miguel did not find my body appealing?" she snapped. "He never made any attempts towards me."

"Would you have been a willing participant?" Tyson asked.


"That should answer your question then. Miguel doesn't like to fight his bed partners. He prefers seduction to rape." Tyson unbuckled the last of Nikiki's straps. She sat up and rubbed her wrist. Tyson tossed her a robe. "Cover yourself," he advised.

Nikki complied. Her wardrobe had changed twice since her capture. She had taken to wearing smocks and robes with very little else beneath.

When she was dressed, Tyson and the guard guided her to the dining hall where she was given food and dined with minor nobles and House Officials. With the exception of her captivity and the visits to the laboratory, she had been very well treated during her stay.

Tyson took a seat beside her and a servant brought a tray for him as well. "I do hope you’ve enjoyed your little stay with us," he said starting some conversation.

"I look forward to settling our account and departing," she returned.

Tyson ignored the retort. "You’ll be staying with us a little longer, I fear."

"How long?" Nikki asked. For the most part the subject had been ignored in the past.

"For another few months I think," Tyson projected. "We really don’t want you for anything, we just want to keep you out of the way for a while. When our plans are complete, we’ll be more that pleased to return you and your son to the forest."

Nikki froze with her mouth half open. "Yes," Tyson confirmed. "You carry a male child. Miguel is very skilled. He had a little difficulty discovering that aspect of you pregnancy, but he’s certain of his findings." Tyson sighed. "Avery wouldn’t have been so easily opposed. But even though not in the same league, Miguel is an excellent cleric."

"Is that why we are here?," Nikki asked, "to control Avery?"

Tyson smiled, but did not answer. It was not true, but it was far better that she think that they were using her to force Avery to behave than the truth. "Let’s say," he finally lied, "that as long as we have you he’ll be more inclined to behave himself and stay out of our affairs."

Nikki finished eating, and was escorted back to her cell. She immediately went over to the barred windows and gazed outside. Far below was a small garden. It was the only living thing of nature she had seen for two months. It was what helped her hold on and at the same time like food to a starving man, just out of her reach, it was a slow torture as well.

Sighing, she leaned her forehead against the cold metal. "I have to get out of here," she whispered.

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