Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Chapter 4 Part 4

An hour later Avery called a stop. "You two rest," he told Armegon as he dropped the two packs he was carrying. "I want to check out ahead."

Avery lighted a second torch and passed it to Armegon, then he jogged off ahead. His torch dwindled slowly until it disappeared around a gentle curve in the corridor.

Calista took the opportunity to worry her injury. Armegon lovingly slapped her wrist when she tried to peek underneath the dressing. "Don't pick at it," he said.

"It itches," she complained, "and it hurts. Can I have some more of that smoke?"

"Definitely not," Armegon said adamantly. "The only reason I gave you any at all was because what Avery was going to do would’ve been so painful it might have knocked you out. We don't take a drug like that for no good reason. The last thing I want is a daughter-in-law who’s addicted to pipeweed."

Armegon was about to say more when a yell drifted down the corridor. The voice belonged to Avery, and it sounded frantic.

Armegon grabbed his saber and took a reflexive step towards the direction of the call for help, but halted. He couldn't very well leave Calista in the dark in her condition, and he couldn't spare the time to light another torch. Armegon dropped his pack and saber and scooped the girl up in one arm.

Calista protested at the rough treatment, but Armegon quieted her. "Hush now," he said. "We don't have time to be luxurious. Here take this." He forced the torch into one of her hands. Then he grabbed his saber again. "Now hold on to that and light the way. Avery's in trouble."
Armegon, girl under one arm and sword in the other, raced up the passage.

Calista, bouncing unrelentingly grimaced at each jolt, but refused to complain. There was a time to gripe and a time to bite her tongue. This time was the latter. Whatever trouble Avery had gotten into, was probably far worse than what inconvenience she was experiencing. For his sake it had better be, she decided after a hard jolt as Armegon leaped over a broken door.

They emerged into a large chamber. The actual dimensions of the chamber were obscured from view by a huge dome that covered the main part of the floor. Mounted on a score of massive columns circling the chamber, the dome was easily twenty meters high at the rims and much more so in the middle.

Armegon lowered Calista to the floor none too gently and surged ahead free of his burden. Calista rolled over wincing at the pain induced by the torque on her lower leg.

Near the left side of the dome Avery stood brandishing his torch like a club. He stood over what might have been a large lump of rubbish except that it moved and climbed to it's feet. The unmistakable silhouette stood erect, large and inhumanely strong with massive legs and arms and long horns curling upwards and wielding a familiar double bladed ax.

Ruk! Calista nearly shouted for joy, but the shout stuck in her throat as another shadow detached itself from the darkness far above and dove through the air like an arrow towards the ranger and formerly missing minotaan.

Avery swung his torch and the flying assailant altered its decent to attack Ruk.

The minotaan swung his ax and cleaved the thing in two. But an ax is a very difficult weapon to swing quickly, and before the minotaan could react, a second creature dove on his unprotected back with talons extended.

Ruk went down and Avery rushed over to cover him. When the ranger moved, Calista spied a second body, that would be Ultrecht.

She felt a stinging in her eyes and rolled onto her back as she fought back tears. She tried to believe that Ultrecht was not dead. Death in the land they were in did not come easily. She clung onto that fact viciously and wiped her eyes

As her vision cleared, she gazed upwards reflexively. A movement within the shadows had drawn her attention. Instinctively she thrust the torch out above her.

The shadow detached itself from its surroundings and dropped on her like a rock. It drew close and the torch illuminated its features. A wickedly curved beak, and glowing orange eyes was followed by a set of batwings and a pair of long talon oozing with a pale green slime.

As the monster closed on the torch, it whirled at the last moment making the flame dance wildly and threatened to blow out. The fiend whirled out into the shadows again, but Calista could hear the flapping of its wings as it fluttered around. It did not take a genius to realize what the thing was doing. It was circling to come at her from ground level from a direction she was not guarding.

A screech assaulted her ears and the beast appeared out of the darkness at her feet. She lowered the torch, but her legs were too long and her feet extended beyond the protection of the fire.

Calista tried to sit up, but even as she made the effort, she knew she would be too late as the ugly talons reached for her wounded leg. Calista braced for the expected pain as the injury would be torn open anew.

Suddenly a flash of light blurred from the corner of her eye. The fiend saw it too as it tried to retreat, but Armegon, saber in hand was there and the blade whistled through the air catching the creature in the neck. Dark fluid spurted forth and the thing retreated into the darkness.

Armegon helped Calista to her feet and together they hobbled to where Avery stood warding off another of the things with his torch.

Armegon helped Calista sit on the floor next to Ruk, who was making a tremendous effort to remain standing in spite of three long streaks of ripped flesh exposed along his back. Calista experienced a pang of shame at the complaints she had voiced over her own injury.

Avery took Calista's other torch and with a torch in each hand, he forced two more diving attacks back. A third attack also came from the ground, from the darkness and was aimed at grabbing Ultrecht. Just as he had done with Calista, Armegon quickly leaped sideways and skewered the creature.

The trio stood still for the next several moments. "I think they have given up," Armegon whispered.

"No," Avery argued. "They’re either resting or waiting for us to make a mistake."

"So what now?" Armegon asked.

Avery passed a torch to Armegon. "There’s a cut passage over there," he said pointing with his own torch. "It has a set of stairs leading upwards. Try to get the wounded to safety."

"How’s Ultrecht?" Armegon asked worriedly.

"I don't know," Avery replied. "He was injured when I got here."

"He took a hit in the head," Ruk said impatiently. "Hurry, I don't feel too well."

Calista came to her feet. "I can help," she insisted through a wince.

"Guide Ruk," Avery said, "and follow Armegon."

Calista took Ruk's arm and felt the tremble in the huge frame. Ruk was standing on willpower only. She hobbled and helped the minotaan follow Armegon. Avery behind them waving the flaming torches wildly guarded their rear and followed as he could.

Fortunately the way was not far. Even though it was further than Calista would have liked, they soon reached the solace of the tunnel. Under the low ceiling of safety, she helped Ruk sit and then she too removed her weight from her injured leg.

Avery followed closely and passed her one of the torches. Armegon was already inspecting Ultrecht's injuries. "He has a mild concussion," Armegon reported looking at the archmage's pupils.

Avery was busy washing the cuts on Ruk's back. "I think there may be a toxin in these wounds," he announced worriedly. "We have to get the magic of this Tower activated as soon as we can. Ruk's life may depend on it."

"Can you buy us any time?" Armegon asked.

"Yes," Avery replied. "I can knock him out. That’ll slow the poison's spread, but I don’t have any antidotes for it. Only magic can neutralize it at this point."

Armegon surveyed the situation. Calista was injured, but conscious. She would be good as a sentry and assistant should a task not requiring movement arise, but there was little else she could do. Ultrecht was unconscious and Ruk needed to be so as well. Avery was healthy, but his healing skills were needed. That left himself.

Though a healer himself, Armegon was mostly a magical healer. With out magic, it was the backwoods alchemy that Avery was using at the moment that was most effective.

"You stay here," Armegon instructed his counterpart. "They need you more than I will."

"Where do you think you’re going?" Avery asked.

"To activate this blasted Tower," the mage replied.

"By yourself?"

"Do you think these three can spare you?" No answer returned and Armegon did not expect one. Avery could well see the conclusion Armegon had reached and logic would force him to accept it as well.

Avery glared at Armegon for a long moment. Something unspoken passed between them. Then the ranger tossed the spare torch to Armegon. "Don't get lost," he growled.

Armegon took the offering. "As soon as the power is back on, get to work. And don't worry about me."

Calista watched the exchange. Armegon was taking an awful risk in going off on his own. She wanted to say something encouraging, but when he glanced her way, his eyes told her that it was unnecessary.

Calista's gaze followed the mage as he continued deeper into the passage and about twenty meters then mounted a set of carved steps that curved upwards and to the right. Soon he was out of sight and the glow of his torch disappeared not long afterward.

Calista turned back to watch Avery who was attending to Ruk. He made the minotaan drink a bowl of water and herbs then applied a salve to his hurts.

He worked methodically. First he washed the wound and then applied a liquid that when it hit Ruk's wound made the big body cringe. "It’ll fight infection," Avery consoled. "Soon you won't feel anything."

Not much later and Ruk nodded off. Avery laid his patient down face first so that the injury was exposed. Then Avery pulled a needle and thread from his cloak. Calista grimaced inwardly at the sight of the ranger stitching the wounds closed.

Avery caught a glimpse of the girl watching and redirected her attention. "Keep watch out there," he gestured towards the open dome chamber. "We don't want visitors."

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