Thursday, June 11, 2009

Chapter 6 Part 9

"Mistress," a young Doyr scout reported to his superior, a minor, but still noteworthy, priestess. "Our sentinels signal that our expedition to the druid camp is returning and they have sustained heavy losses."

"How heavy?" the priestess asked.

"In excess of half their number have been slain, mistress," the guard answered.

"Is there a preliminary report from the expedition commander?" she asked.

"It appears that the expedition is being commanded by a senior scout," the guard advised. "I fear that many of the higher officers fell in service of the queen. He indicated success, but no prisoners."

The priestess digested the reports. "That is a satisfactory result," she decided. "I shall relay this news to the queen personally." Of course had the news been unfavorable, she would have sent the message along via a servant she wished replaced. The queen was notorious for eating bearers of bad tidings.

The priestess hurried quickly to the queens chamber door. A guard blocked her path. "I have tidings for the queen she informed him. Our expedition returns."

The guard listened and then knocked on a side door. The door opened and a higher ranking priestess, a handmaiden priestess, stepped forth. The guard relayed the message and the new arrival nodded approval of the request for audience. The guard lowered his visor so that he may not be blessed by viewing the queen of the Doyr. Then by practiced moves made repeatedly for years, he opened the door and the young priestess entered the royal chamber. She waited until the door closed behind her.

The body of the Doyr queen, though disgusting to most was considered ravenously beautiful by her subjects. The women who were her attendants were envious of the eight clawed legs and massive translucent abdomen. The male occupants of the room were gelded and constantly drugged into a blissful stupor. They were in reality living decorations and occasionally a snack to the queen. Near the queen's haunches, the favored priestess who carried the seed of Blackheart and the god, Ragnera, reclined in total comfort.

"Speak, my child," the queen croaked. The voice was dry and raspy.

The priestess knelt and relayed the message given her by the guard earlier. "We are pleased," the queen stated. "Yet, not a single prisoner could be taken?"

"It would appear to be so," the priestess admitted.

"A pity," the queen sighed. "I would like to have met these men that House Blackheart fears so much." The queen shifted her body about and the webbing which helped support her shimmered raining bone fragments from previous meals from the dark heights in the high ceiling of the throne room. The queen drooled blissfully for several moments then continued. "Reward the present leader of the expedition with promotion and pass him our blessings."

The priestess retreated with a bow and left to carry out her instructions.

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