Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Chapter 6 Part 6

The five recent arrivals to the city of Pandara collected and purchased temporary lodgings at a tavern on the outskirts of the city far from the sea. Avery and Calista were visiting a cartographer's office while Armegon and Ruk arranged for transportation. Ultrecht announced that he needed to check on a business deal at a jeweler's shop.

By the end of the day, they gathered in the commons room of the tavern to listen to a jester making jokes and enjoy a hot meal. Armegon warned Ruk that it could be the last good one that they had for a while.

Ruk had a surprise for Calista. He and Armegon had purchased some woven gut-string. Avery agreed that it would make an excellent bowstring. They promised to have Calista's bow ready for action before they left town.

Ultrecht recommended that they not wait more than another day to leave. He said that his business was done. He wanted to check on its progress the next day, but he would be ready to go after that. Avery reckoned that he could fashion the bow the next day and the morning after they could hit the trail. Armegon agreed and said that that gave them time to get the new wagon and horses checked out a little better than they had been since he had purchased them in a hurry and at a discount.

They were busy the next day. Avery and Calista fashioned the bow while Armegon and Ruk prepared the wagon and horses. They had purchased two horses for riding and two for the wagon. Armegon had mentioned that with the cost of their supplies, their funds were getting low. Ruk had eagerly contributed a modest, but appreciable sum to Ultrecht's money belt and ensured that they had enough to re-supply themselves if needed.

When they returned to the tavern for a last night's sleep in a bed, Calista proudly displayed her new bow. Avery had carved it down to a recursive shape. The woven string that Ruk had brought was fastened to one end. The other looped end hung loose. A notch had been cut into the other end of the bow. When braced the loop could be slipped easily into the notch and be ready to use. When not in use the string could just as easily be unattached so as not to warp the wood.

"Now we just need to get her some arrows and teach her to shoot straight," Ultrecht laughed.

When morning arrived, they departed the city of Pandara and headed in a general northeast direction, towards the Savanah Range. Calista and Ruk rode in the wagon while Ultrecht and Armegon rode light riding horses. Avery, as usual, was on foot and out of sight. This, Ruk was concerned about until he was assured by the other three that not only was in normal behavior, but it was a precaution.

"No one will be able to approach us without his knowing it," Armegon told him. "Anyone coming this way will find us warned and prepared for them. In addition he’s in a position to attack from cover should the need arise.

About midday, they stopped to eat a light meal. Avery arrived and, while they lunched, fashioned a handful of about a dozen arrows--he had purchased the raw materials in town before leaving. He and Armegon managed to get in a few pointers about shooting a bow before Calista was off to try her hand at the art.

As they traveled that afternoon, Calista's aim--under Armegon's tutelage improved to the point that she could hit a tree at ten meters with regular accuracy. "Consistency is more important than a single bulls-eye," he glanced at the snort from the wagon. "Sorry Ruk," he apologized.

He continued his instruction. "Get your firing routine down pat. Always draw the bow to the same distance, always use the same anchor point, and always release with the same motion. Take a breath and let it out halfway then release. When you see where you’re aiming, and if you’re always hitting the same spot, then adjust your aim so that where the arrow goes where you want it to go. Keep in mind that the further you are from a target, the more the arrow is going to drop. Learn how to judge how high you need to aim to make it fall where you want." Armegon they took on a grave expression and became very serious. "But most important of all, be sure of what you’re shooting at. If you’re not certain, don't shoot!"

Calista shot at passing trees all afternoon until they stopped. Then she shot at stationary trees. When time came for her to sleep, she had worn a considerable blister inside the fingers of her right hand. Avery mixed a salve that he coated her hand with and sent her to bed. By morning the blister was gone and a hard callous had formed.

The lands they were passing through was mostly dense forest with many trees. Occasionally a village would materialize around a bend and the local people would eye them suspiciously. Ruk was the center of attention as expected.

Four days later they entered a sizable town. Ultrecht asked for an early stop. He suggested that they could all use a little bed and breakfast.
Armegon reluctantly agreed and they boarded the animals and wagon at a stable. Then the five of them approached a busy inn. Together they entered the bar and immediately became the center of attention. The two halfelves, man, woman and minotaan pulled two small tables together and made themselves comfortable. They were immediately attended to by a young man of about twenty years. "Can I help you folks?"

Ultrecht took charge. "What’s the house special?"

The waiter smiled broadly. "Mushroom soup," with a slight lilt in his voice. "It’s served with a side dish of raw vegetables and bread. It also comes with a mug of ale."

"For me," Armegon announced. Ultrecht, Calista and Avery also requested the special.

"Would you like soup as well?" the waiter asked Ruk.

"Is there any meat in the soup?" Ruk asked.

"The soup is beef stock," the waiter replied. The waiter realized his mistake just as Ruk's hand closed on his throat.

"I think," the minotaan growled through flat teeth, "that I’ll have a double order of

vegetables." He dropped the waiter to the floor. "I am," he told the cowering man, "after all, a vegetarian."

"Of course, sir." The waiter beat a hasty retreat.

"That was a little showy wasn't it?" Armegon asked.

"Had it been pork or mutton or some other meat I may have simply ignored it, but for certain reasons we minotaans view the consumption of beef rather distasteful." Ruk leaned to Calista. "How would you feel if someone offered to serve you an elf stew?"

Calista frowned. "I think you had every right to be upset," she announced. "You did well not to tear his head off."

"She sure is getting vicious isn't she," Armegon observed.

They had no further problems that night. They were served promptly and courteously. When the bill arrived, it was very fair and they retired for the night.

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