Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Chapter 6 Part 2

Marlena slept late the next morning. She stirred from her slumber to find the suns were approaching the noon transit and the day was almost half over. She quietly dressed and entered the common room that connected her bedroom to the other two in the suite Tyson had rented during their stay in town.

Tyson himself was sitting at a table eating a bowl of soup and looking out a window. "Good morning," he greeted her although he had not seen her enter the room. People often forgot that he was once a grandmaster monk. None of his enemies who ever forgot remained alive.

Marlena noticed Seymore's frozen body in the corner. She glanced out the window as well and pulled up a chair next to Tyson. "Where is Armegon?"

Tyson swallowed a spoonful of broth. "He found the university on the northern side of the city," he said. "He will probably be there most of the day."

"What are we supposed to do then?"

Tyson drained the last of his meal, reached into his tunic and pulled forth a bag which jingled of coins. "Go shopping," he laughed.

"I have no money," Marlena said with a smile.
Tyson promptly poured about half the contents of his bag into the empty soup bowl. "Now you do."

Marlena whistled. "Thank you, my good man. Where should we go?"

Tyson thought for a moment. "Why don't you go where ever you please? I have a few errands to run on my own and I fully intend on stopping by a brothel and taking part in a little recreation." He smiled at the flush rising on Marlena's face. "Unless of course you want to join me. I am sure that you could even make a little profit in a brothel."

"Thank you, no!" The woman stormed out the door pausing only long enough to scoop up the money.

Enjoy it while you can, Tyson thought to himself.

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