Sunday, September 6, 2009

Chapter 12 part 2

She was at once both beautiful and dreadfully terrible. There was no outward sign of the monster that lurked within her, but even the slowest and most dim witted of people could feel the malevolence emanating from her.

She had been but the first. Over the passing several months, others had also been possessed until presently there were six of them in all. She, of course, was the most powerful and in control, but even the most meager of her like was an entity far and above the talents of most of the humanoid mortal mages.

“The master is pleased with our efforts,” she told those gathered. They were all equally youthful and comely, but like her, they all had the dead flat eyes of the totally possessed.
“Until now, we have carried out our plans through our agents in the mortal realm through our lichly alliances. The time has come for us to take a more direct part in the master’s plans.”

One of her underlings spoke out. “And the liches?”

She felt a minor pang of irritation. The answer should have been obvious, and yet the one who asked it was not known for overpowering intelligence. “The liches will be our slaves, of course. They are totally dependant on us anyway.”

“And when do we begin,” another asked. “And how are we commanded to proceed?”

“The balance of power in this world lies with the great cities of the north. It is the master’s plan that each of us will go to one of the great cities and from there we will be able to grant our minions access to this world. Once we have a foothold on this plane, our master’s newfound power will send the hoards of hell to enslave the mortal realm.

“And the Light of Yesteryear?”

She growled a guttural rumble. The Light of Yesteryear was the elusive mortal, foretold by their auguries that had the power to foil their efforts. How it could be done was not revealed, nor was this person’s identity, but it had been said that this person would arise from one of their own to atone for evils past.

“The Light of Yesteryear will be dealt with if it becomes necessary.” She barked the response distastefully. “We are going to rule this world. The master has chosen us. Go forth and conquer.” With that she issued the command and they all bowed and departed.
As they left, she took note of each one. The master had selected them and given them to her as her underlings. In truth she hated them all. She hated her master as well, but she feared him and did as he commanded. She had betrayed, backstabbed and used any of her brethren that she could to gain the master’s favor. And when the master had gained the power to invade the mortal realm, he had chosen her to rule that realm in his name.

Once their rule in the mortal realm was secure, she would shed the human guise and then the mortal realm would become the tenth kingdom of Hell. The realm of men would be ruled by Hell and she would be its ruler. Then she might turn her thoughts to taking the crown of all Hell from the master

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