The Baron’s mansion was brightly lit when they arrived, even though the sun was not quite down. The door guard was outfitted in a dress uniform and ushered them in immediately. A servant led them into the main dining room where Zachary was surprised to find about sixty people were seated at eight large tables.
The Baron stood as they entered and held his arms up. His voice boomed out: “Well, here they are, our guests of honor.” Amid a smattering of light applause and greetings the big man strode up to them. “Ah, and Mistress Sara, you look stunning,” he said as he personally escorted them to seats at the head table.
Zachary had to admit. Sara looked great. It was as if her normal clothing was designed to play down her looks, but this new dress was cut to make her womanhood plain to see. Once they were seated they both looked around. Many of the more affluent merchants and the various officials of the city were present. At a table across from him, Zachary spotted the Captain of the City Guard. The fact that he was not seated at the head table spoke volumes. He also noted that many of the guests did not look all that happy to be here.
He turned his attention to the Baron. Roth was dressed in his breastplate, but with a silk and brocade shirt under it. In a jeweled scabbard was his sword.
“We really wanna thank you m'lord. This is truly a fine gift.”
The Baron’s smile was warm, but his eyes were cold as stone. “My pleasure.” he nodded and went back to sipping his wine while he surveyed his guests.
Sara touched his leg. He looked to where she was looking and found himself unsurprised to see Captain Krell make his entrance.
Dressed all in black, Krell still managed to portray elegance. He gracefully strutted to his place at the head table and gave Roth a curt half-bow, “my lord Baron.”
Roth nodded brusquely. “Captain. Please, have a seat.”
Krell looked slowly around the room, but stopped his gaze on the captain of the city guard. “Captain Regald. How nice to see you.” To Zachary’s right Sara stiffened. “It’s a pleasure to see that you decided to come.”
Regald’s face showed no emotion whatsoever. “Indeed Captain Krell. I do get out now and again, especially when our lord Baron extends such a gracious invitation. ”
Roth smiled in cold amusement. “I felt it only appropriate to have both of my captains present.”
Krell’s face was hard. “My invitation must have been mislaid.”
The big warrior took a long drink from his wine cup. “No Krell, I didn’t send you one. I somehow just knew you’d show up.”
The captain of the secret guard flashed a look of pure hatred and was about to say something when a voice interrupted. “Ah, I see that the pleasantries have already begun.”
Everyone looked up to see the Mage standing in the center of the room. Zachary hadn’t felt the rush of displaced air caused by a teleport, so he guessed that Kiron must have entered invisibly.
Baron Roth took on a viciously amused smile and stood. “My Lord Kiron. Welcome to our festive occasion. ”
Kiron’s eyes fell on the sword. In a dangerous voice he said, “Kindly remove that thing.”
Roth gestured to his clothing. “This is a formal occasion. See, I have it in its ceremonial sheath.”
The mages voice hardened further. “Remove it.”
The baron drew the blade slowly. Zachary shuddered as the normal sensation of the unseen flows of power about him suddenly vanished leaving only a void. That Kiron felt the same effect was evident in his face. “How’s this? If you prefer, I suppose I can leave it drawn on the table.”
Kiron’s face was livid. “Quite unnecessary Baron. Sheath it.” The mage calmed himself and smoothed his shirt. “As you say it is a formal occasion.”
Roth sheathed the blade and sat. “Come then Lord Kiron. Sit, drink, and enjoy my table.”
With poorly disguised hatred tinged with fear, Kiron took his seat.
Roth stood and lifted his wine cup. “Gentle friends, a toast to our bride and groom. They inform me that the happy date shall be this harvest-fest day.”
Everyone lifted a cup and drank. There was light applause that trailed off quickly as the Baron raised a hand. He turned to Sara and Zachary. “Please, accept my congratulations and do me the honor of being my guests for the night.”
Sara sat stiffly blushing. Zachary felt trapped. He stood and bowed. “Thank you m'lord. We would be greatly honored.”
Thankfully the kitchen staff announced dinner. There were many well-prepared dishes, but Zachary hardly noticed them as he waited uncomfortably for the evening to end. Sara was obviously upset and was toying with her food. She was staring into her plate trying hard to avoid looking at the guests, so he took careful note of the crowd. It didn’t take long to see a pattern to emerge. About half of the people in the room were trying too hard to appear as casual acquaintances or pretending that they didn’t know the people around them. Many of them would glance at either Sara or Captain Regald while others gave the appearance of not knowing that either person existed. To his horror Zachary was seeing most of the important figures of the rebellion revealed plainly to anyone who took the care to watch the crowd as a whole. Painfully he realized that this dinner was a trap to see who acted suspiciously and who didn’t.
Sara and Captain Regald completely avoided looking at each other. That simple fact meant he now knew whom the contact in the City Guard must be.
He looked at the three men sitting with him. All three were watching the crowd with satisfied smiles, their own bickering forgotten.
When the evening came to a close the Baron formed a reception line for the guests to congratulate them. They stood and shook hands and said thanks as the guests filed past to leave. When Captain Regald came by Sara trembled and neither could look the other in the eye.
At last the Baron bid them good night and a servant showed them to their room.
Zachary sat on the edge of one of the finest beds he had ever seen. He had no nightclothes with him, so he’d stripped to his undergarments. Sara was in the dressing room humming tunelessly. He looked up when he heard the door open and his eyes nearly bulged out of his head. Before him was the most magnificent bare bosom he’d ever seen his very long life.
“Uh… Sara, what…” he stammered unable to move his gaze.
She slid up close to him and enfolded him in her arms. “Silly. Do you think I’m going to waste a night in a bed like this?” She pulled his head close and whispered, “We’re being watched.”
He froze for a moment, then forced himself to relax into her embrace. Sara was in her mid forties. Her figure was definitely no longer that of a young girl, but there was a delightful firmness to her that seemed to belie her age. He felt outraged to be forced into taking her like this, but as passion mounted he soon no longer cared. Together they gave vent to pent up stresses and tension.
Later she lay quietly in his arms, her face hidden in the shadow of the blanket. For the second time in days, he didn’t know how to feel. He felt wetness on his shoulder and realize it was her tears. They lay there a long time before she finally began to fall towards sleep. In her hazy moments just before she drifted off, he heard her mutter, “Oh Regald, where did it all go so wrong…”
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
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