Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Chapter 6 Part 3

Morteous Blackheart fidgeted on the throne of Aspberg. He was not happy there. It had been two days since he had delivered Miguel to the queen of the Doyr and she had sealed him away with her chosen priestess. Morteous remembered with amusement the look of self importance on the high priestess's face as she had entered the silken web-room that the demoness had woven. Morteous and Miguel had worked out several plans of action should treachery be involved, but the demoness had proven good in her word and several hours later, Miguel had emerged from the chamber looking very pleased and the high priestess had run red faced and with eyes wide from the web to an open door and waiting room.

Morteous had found the whole encounter quite entertaining--a welcome change from the political responsibilities he now possessed. Being head of the Blackheart Clan had not been the goal they had sought. Morteous was certain that that obscure law concerning separation of church and state would not have been brought up if it had not been for certain gods on the other side who were sore at the battle's outcome.

Miguel was supposed to have taken the mantle of Lord of Aspberg, and he was to have been free to perfect his arts. Instead he was spending the greater part of his time administering to the formal details involving a head of state.
He silently thanked Serpent--not Ragnera, because he secretly was unconvinced of his brother's superiority--for leaving him a well trained staff.

The house administrator, a ragged and miserly old, but ruthless man named Bithran had taken over most of the responsibilities not requiring the royal seal. Morteous was certain that the man was making use of this unbestowed power to reap his own benefits. As long as it gave Morteous time off, he was going to allow the charade to continue. The other staff members worked equally as efficiently.

In fact Morteous was almost certain that with a little delegation of power--something his brother was loathe to do--House Blackheart may very well become quite autonomous. If so, Morteous may be able to reduce his workload enough so that his presence would only be required every third day or so. Oh, Miguel would disapprove at first, but Morteous had a plan that even Miguel would find brilliant. All he needed was the proper bait. The fish he sought was both large and dangerous.

Morteous considered his plan. Yes, he needed leverage and bait. Bait to get his victim's interest, and leverage to force him into cooperation. The bait was easy. The leverage required research.
Morteous leaned back in the throne. "Send for Tyson," he ordered.

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